Sunday, December 18, 2011

Frog disection

In the lab our class dissected frogs but our group got a female frog. In the frogs body they were maybe about 20,000 tiny black eggs ( eggs were all over the organs and systems you had to dig them out! There produced by multiple organs called oviducts. Oviducts are organs that produce eggs inside of the female frog’s body. It was also magnificent to see the connection of a frog’s body systems to a human’s body systems. In the frogs body you could see that all the systems are connected, like the repository system was connected to the digestion system. Also the frog and human's organs are similar. 
Some of the humans and frog organs are the heart, pancreas, lungs, stomach, gallbladder and many more('s_body_system). Except the difference with the liver is the frog has three lobes of liver which means they produce more           bile than humans. Also we both have fat bodies but they’re just stored in different places. And male frogs are also usually bigger than the female frogs. As I mentioned before the frog and human systems are alike, such as the digestive system. Over all, the frogs body and human body are very alike with the systems and organs.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Immune system link

The links for my immune system poster is:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Digestion system

First in the digestion system the food you smell or want to eat makes saliva in your mouth. Then when you eat the food it turns into smaller pieces by you chomping on it with your teeth. Then your saliva brings the small broken up pieces down the esophagus. When it slowly passes through the esophagus the muscles push the food down. Next the food enters your stomach where the hydrochloric acid breaks food down even more to molecules. Then when the food is all broken down it travels through the small and large intestine. Finally the waste exits your body out of the rectum. And purpose of the lab was to show how the food is broken down in the stomach of the digestion system. Like the test tubes C and D had the hydrochloric acid in it like our stomach does. Unlike the test tubes A and B  which just had the pepsin and regular water. The test tubes C and D demonstrate what happens in our stomach with the hydrochloric acid. In conclusion, the lab was trying to show the simmilar actions that take place in our stomachs.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chicken Wing Disection

First for the Chicken Wing Dissection procedure you have to take off the bumpy yellow skin. Then you pull out the yellow fat that connects to muscle.  After that you can move the Chicken wing's bones with the peach colored muscle. Next you can take out the white shiny ligaments that attaches to joints. Then you can see the shiny white cartilage. But finally after all of that you finally get to the nerves which connects to muscle. And then after you took all of it apart all there is left is the bone.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Today's Lab

Today's lab was fun because we mixed chemicals. Everybody coroperated so it went well. Except that the chemical reaction didnt work. Our class thinks that the bag was to strong for the iodine so the starch didnt change colors. We think the regular cheap bags will work better for the expiriment tommorow.